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field's Art

The visual Art of field Basansikis is unique and inventive. As a vanguard, he utilizes the space on the back of his canvases to create double-sided, additional Art, like a secret story or hidden voice. Although creating Art is something field thrives at, he is currently placing it aside for the next decade to pursue the novel series. The plan is to complete his Literary ambitions and then retire as an Artist into Art production. Whereupon he will no longer describe himself in third person. Enjoy some examples of his gift here.

Made only one
lodestar : “Self Portrait with Plane”
A Place I find myself often
Patrick Ennis/field Basansikis collaboration
Our truest need, made successful by our Innocence
for my lover
larger canvas Reclamation Art
quote from an original ode/unrequited love, huge canvas, reclaimed abstract to typography piece
Quintessence, it’s just what I do.
life mantra from a hero
typography piece
so true
a piece that needed to exist upon closing my career
Heavily intricate work from original Bill Matthews sketch
a series of about a dozen, with a stencil hijacked from Lon W. who is one of my favourite artists
example of painted/stenciled backside
amazing older Charlie Brown, projected and hand painted
one of the few times I painted something with no stencils etc in open water. An in process abstract
Notebook Cover
Ouija Kurt
…. Finish Last
Perfectly executed and set. Sold to a fallen comrade for $50
My heart-source. The greatest graphic of all time
studio time
Self Portrait with Flowers
Backside of Self Portrait
The Usual
Gel transfer piece (for Rudy). Pronounced: “No Jedi….. Fuck You.”
“And?” (bought by a genius)
Sold for a pittance, just like my artistic worth
All of us, our mutual Hero
“Self Portrait with Toque” / a decade to complete
Gel Transfer
Gel transfers from original thrift store piece
End novel series quote; called from cosmic sources
A James Birbeck/field Basansikis collaboration
Back of collaboration
An honorarium piece for the mother of abducted children that I knew.
alas, the doomed fate of many a good human
Tim Rechner & field Basansikis collaboration. Only two exist.
Clearly, no shit.
Resultant epic six months effort toward Edmonton ArtWalk
Aurora  (sigh). The Ultimate Crush.
Flag in process
…with finished type.
A Classic.
My style in form
The Artist

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